Частные школы Al-Farobiy International School

Al-Farobiy International School

Адресмассив Беруни 3, ул, Фаробий, Алмазарский район, Ташкент
Ориентиры46 школа
Сообщите, что вы нашли номер телефона на сайте Эдулэнд уз
Время работы11:00 - 14:00
Год основания2019
Питание1 раз в день
Язык обученияанглийский
Xaritada Al-Farobiy International School

Об университете

Al-Farobiy International School

Al Farobiy-ta'lim maktabi aziz o`quvchilarimiz uchun yuksak bilim eshiklari ochildi!

Bizning maktabda Xalqaro dastur asosida:

  • O'zbek tili
  • Ingliz tili

⭐️ Arab tili va boshqa fanlar xorijlik hamda mahalliy mutaxassislar tomonidan o'qitiladi.
⭐️ Shuningdek maktabimizda bolajonlar qobiliyatini rivojlantirish uchun turli xil to’garaklar mavjud. Maktabimiz 2019-2020 o'quv yili uchun 1-sinfdan 4-sinfgacha bo'lgan o'quvchilarni qabul qilishni boshladi. Bizning bilim maskanimizda sizning aziz farzandlaringiz sifatli ta'lim va namunali odob-axloqga ega bòladilar.

✨ The Private School "Al-Farabi education" is an advanced school specialized in languages, with a modern and high level of mastering instruction, which at one time deeply teaches 3-4 languages.

✨ In addition to the deepened English language, our readers can learn Arabic and two more Eastern languages according to their wishes. The lessons are conducted by our experienced and high-class teachers. We also invited foreign specialists to improve the quality of Education. Another convenient aspect of our school is that we have organized classes in which girls and boys are taught separately, such a method of teaching gives a lot of effect.

✨ The important aspect of our school is that the director of our school is a businessman-entrepreneur, our students are taught lessons of entrepreneurship from their youth. Trips to business enterprises are organized, business trainings are organized, young people are provided with the opportunity to communicate with their foreign peers, and planned foreign trips are also provided for.

✅ Do not miss such an opportunity. Our school is the most difficult opportunity for your child.

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